Fix That Home UP Fix That Home UP Thu, 15 Dec 2022 20:30:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Taking Care of a Home in a Humid Environment Thu, 15 Dec 2022 20:06:13 +0000 Most homes experience at least some exposure to moisture every year. If you live in a climate that is quite humid, you need to be aware that your home is being exposed to daily moisture that is not an issue in places that have a dry season. This can lead to a variety of issues that might impact the longevity of your home as well as the environment inside your home.

When you live in a location that is quite humid, you need to be aware of some common issues that might need to be addressed all year long. Making sure that you and your family are healthy can be linked with your management of the humid conditions impacting your home. Things like mold can make your home unlivable, and you need to be sure that these issues do not impact you.

What Are Some Risks Associated With Humid Environments

1.       Mold Can Affect Your Home if You Live in a Humid Environment

This is the biggest concern that might impact your home if you live in a humid place. Mold can make its way into all kinds of spaces in your home, from the walls to the flooring, to the window and door frames. Mold can be very bad for your health, and some kinds of molds can be so hard to eradicate that you might have to replace your flooring and wall materials in order to get the mold out of your home.

Things like black mold have been associated with everything from respiratory issues to death. You want to avoid mold at all costs, which means that you need to know what to look for to catch possible mold issues before they progress too far.

How to maintain a house in a humid environment

2.       Humid Air Might Lead to an Unpleasant Environment in Your House

Humidity in the air can lead to an oppressive environment in your home, and it can make things like towels, furniture, and bedding feel sticky and wet. Humidity inside the home can also lead to issues with controlling the temperature in the home. When the air is too humid, it can make it hard to get rid of excess heat, and it can also make it tough to keep your home warm.

Humidity in the air can be good to a point, but when it is too much, your home can feel pretty sticky and yucky every day.

3.       Humidity Can Damage Your Home’s Surfaces and Materials

Humidity can damage all kinds of surfaces in your home. You might have to deal with peeling paint, dry rot, and issues with the siding and the insulation in your home when you live in a humid climate. Keeping the right amount of humidity present inside your home and making sure that the surfaces on its exterior are watertight can help manage these possible issues with ease.

However, if the humidity inside your home goes unchecked, you could have trouble with paint, wall surfaces, and support structures in short order.

What Can I Do to Manage Humidity Better And Take Care of a Home?

If you live in a humid climate, you will not be able to change the environment around your home, but you can manage some of the impact of the humid environment on a daily basis.

·         Dehumidifiers Can Have a Significant Impact on Humidity Levels in Your House

Dehumidifiers can make a huge impact on the humidity inside your home. These kinds of solutions can help to absorb and remove the humidity from the environment in your home. This keeps surfaces from absorbing moisture, and it helps to prevent bad smells and issues with mold.

Dehumidifiers can be machines that draw moisture from the air, or they can be containers of substances that wick the moisture up from the air. There are various ways to keep the humidity under control within your home, and dehumidifiers are one of the most effective ways of controlling the potential for unhealthy living conditions and damage to the interior of your home.

Maintenance of a house in a humid climate

·         Improve Drainage Around Your Home to Manage humidity

You can help to manage the humidity in and around your home by making sure that your drainage is excellent. Allowing standing water near your home or in your yard can make the moisture in the air exponentially greater than if these issues are not present. When there is standing water on your property, the foundation of your home could be at risk, and moisture could leach up the walls.

When the drainage around your home is not working right, your home can be undermined just because of the added moisture in the air and surrounding the foundation of your home. It is very unwise to ignore drainage issues for too long because they will eventually cause major damage to your home.

·         Use the Fans in Your Home to Decrease Humidity Impacts

When you wash clothes, take a shower or a bath, or work in the kitchen, you need to make sure that you use the fans that were installed in your home to remove humidity and moisture from the air. If you do not use these fans, you will allow moisture to remain in the room for hours. This can lead to peeling paint, mold on or in the walls, and foul-smelling air.

Using the fans in your home makes a huge impact on the amount of moisture in the air. This is a simple step that you can take to make sure that your home is not undermined by moisture.

·         Change Your Home’s Roof Material If you live in a Humid Environment

If you live in a humid location, it is wise to make the switch to a metal roof. This can help to prevent moisture from getting into the walls and issues with the roof that can make your home unstable and unsafe to live in. You might not be able to afford to do this right away, but it can be a beneficial change that can help to keep your home safe and undamaged for years to come.

·         You May Lower Humidity in Your Home by Treating Mold Yourself

If you see mold in your home, you can treat it if it is not too advanced. You will need to remove the source of the leak or the moisture, and then you can scrub the mold off surfaces. Use diluted bleach water to treat the surfaces that had mold on them so that you can be sure that these surfaces will not get moldy again. There are also mold cleaners that you can buy and mix to spray on your walls. This can be the easiest way to treat mold compared to making your own solution.

What if the Mold Situation in a Home is Very Serious Because of Humidity?

If the mold situation in your home has gotten very bad or if there is black mold in the walls, you will need to have a professional company come in and resolve and treat the issue. This can be very expensive, but it is your only option when your home has become contaminated at this level. This is one of the worst positions to find yourself in, and you should make sure to avoid this outcome at all costs.

Black mold can cause very serious health issues and even death. You do not want to allow this kind of contamination in your home to take place for any reason. Making sure to take care of the humidity in your home can prevent this issue from rearing its ugly head.

Taking care of your home in a humid climate

Maintaining a Healthy and Mold-Free Home in a Humid Environment Can be Easy

If you live in a humid environment, you need to be sure that you take care of the humidity in your home. This is a key aspect of making sure that your home is healthy and that you do not have to deal with structural issues and damage related to moisture in your home. Keeping your home moisture-free is essential if you want to make sure that you and your family are safe and secure for years to come.

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5 Great Eco-Friendly Materials to Use on Your Homestead Fri, 27 May 2022 09:38:54 +0000
Eco-friendly materials to use on your homestead

As housing costs go up and the attention of the world is focused on sustainability, you might have realized that you could become part of the solution by using eco-friendly materials on your homestead. There are a variety of benefits to making this choice, from cost savings to reduced carbon emissions and energy savings. Choosing the right eco-friendly materials is easier than you might think since these are not exotic items that you have to get from places far away.

Eco-friendly materials do not harm the environment and can be easily disposed of when they are no longer in use. The use of eco-friendly materials is becoming increasingly common even in mainstream construction processes, so it has never been easier to get access to these quality materials for your homestead.

If you are ready to learn some more about the eco-friendly materials that you need to use on your homestead, you need to keep reading!

5 Great Eco-Friendly Materials to Use on Your Homestead

1.       Cobb is Eco-Friendly for Your Homestead

This is a product that has been in use to make homes for more than 10,000 years. Cob is a mixture of subsoil, fibrous organic material, and water. You can also include lime in the mix if you wish to change the color of the final product. Most people use a straw for the fiber component of their cob these days.

It is simple to build walls or an entire building from this material, and you will love that it is so energy efficient as well. Cob homes require very little energy to heat due to the natural insulation that is conferred by the material.

Environmental friendly materials for use on your property.

2.       Sheep Wool is a Great Choice to Use in Your Environmental Friendly Home

It has become increasingly popular to use sheep’s wool as insulation or to make fiber products like sweaters and blankets. You will get amazing results from insulating buildings with wool since this natural fiber traps air so effectively. This is an easy-to-source material in most areas of the country and very simple to work with when you need to insulate or protect items.

Sheep wool is no longer as popular in the textile industry as it once was because of the way that the product can smell when it gets wet and the time that is needed to card it and create fabric from it. However, in raw form, it makes a great building material.

3.       Use Reclaimed Wood For Your Eco-friendly Home

Reclaimed wood is not just a style choice these days. Reusing wood from buildings that have been torn down or installing doors and other wood items in your home that are already assembled can make a big difference in the sustainability of your homestead. Why throw out something that still works?

If you have wood leftover from another project, from the removal of an old structure, or from a remodel that you have done, make sure that you use as much of this wood product as possible in your building efforts. It costs a lot in energy and waste to create entirely new products made of wood, and you will be reducing your energy footprint by using reclaimed wood whenever possible.

4.       Cork is Eco-Friendly and a Great Choice for Your Homestead

Cork is a great choice for flooring and wall framing, and it is highly renewable and eco-friendly. This is a material that is resistant to moisture, and cork harvesting has been shown to help fight global warming as well. Many people actually donate their corks from wine bottles to this effort, and you can easily make your own cork walls on your homestead if you wish.

This is also a product that is readily sourced if you want to be able to just add it to your homestead in prefabricated sheets of material. Cork is a great insulator and one that can deliver big results for sound deadening, style, and sustainability.

Environmentally friendly materials for use on your home

5.       Recycled Steel is Great for Environmentally Friendly Home

Sometimes you will have to work with manufactured products that originally did require a fair amount of energy use to create. Recycled steel is your best option if you need to access a material that is this strong and durable without wanting to impact the environment negatively.

Steel is actually one of the most recycled products in the US, and choosing to buy recycled steel is a great way to encourage and support this necessary recycling effort. Steel that has been recycled is readily available nearly everywhere, and you will be doing your part to help the environment and sustainability by selecting this product over regular steel.

How Can I Make My Home More Eco-Friendly?

Ecologically friendly materials to use on your property

Making your home more eco-friendly involves the use of the materials listed above, but there are some other ways that you can give back to the earth on a daily basis while also maintaining your home.

 Add Solar in Your Home To Make it More Eco-Friendly

You should consider adding solar panels to your home if you want to use renewable power for your daily needs and also sell power back to the grid when possible. Solar energy has become more affordable to access than ever, and you will find that installing solar panels can easily generate enough power to maintain your household each month.

Green materials you can use on your property

Compost Can Help to Make Home Eco-Friendly

Composting is an easy way to reuse food and other organic wastes that might otherwise have to be sent to the dump. Compost can help you to grow beautiful flowers and maintain a garden as well, so the benefits are two-fold. Using a compost bin to store your compost is easy, and you will be so glad that all of these wastes can be used for something else rather than simply heading to the landfill.

Use LED Lighting in Your Homestead to Make it Eco-Friendly

While you are not likely to convert to candles for your lighting in your homestead, you can choose LED lighting to help cut down on power usage and to get access to lighting that will last far longer than incandescent bulbs. You will get as much as 50,000 hours out of most LED lighting, and the quality of the light is far superior to that offered by more traditional bulb styles.

Green materials to use on your homestead

Living in an Eco-Friendly Home is Easier Than you Might Have Thought

If you have been trying to figure out how to save the environment every day, you need to consider using these building materials in your homestead and following the tips and tricks that have been listed in this guide. It is easier than you might think to convert your home to an energy-sustaining homestead. Changing the way that you utilize energy is just one step in creating a sustainable lifestyle, and you can use this guide to take care of this important step toward eco-friendly living.

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DIY Ways to Make Your Backyard Awesome Tue, 18 Jan 2022 17:40:09 +0000
ways to make your backyard great

Your backyard is your unique chance to create your own little oasis. It gives you the opportunity to make an outdoor space that meets your needs and is all your own. No matter what the size of your lot, there are ways to put your own stamp on it.

So where do you start creating an awesome backyard space? And how do you keep your projects within budget? For many, the DIY route is a great way to complete projects affordably while adding style and function to your yard.

First, think about what you want out of your backyard space. What are you looking to use your area for and what’s best for your lifestyle? Then, check out this list of DIY projects to make your backyard the best on the block!

DIY Projects for a Great Family-Friendly Backyard

If you are looking to be the backyard where everyone hangs out, young and old, think about what kind of family-friendly spin you can put on your space. Think of ways that you and guests of all ages can gather and enjoy the outdoors. Adding one or more of these fun projects to your yard can make it more fun for all of your family and friends.

Adding a Backyard Game Station

Backyard games are perfect for gathering and enjoying an afternoon. Depending on your space, one or more games can create a station for a little friendly competition. You can tuck this area into a corner of your yard or make it the main highlight.

Giant Jenga

Giant Jenga is a popular choice for outdoor fun. It’s also super easy to make. All you need is a simple saw, a little sandpaper, and some inexpensive lumber. You can use a piece of plywood for the platform or simply play on a table or patio.

You’ll need 6 2×4 boards that are 8 feet long. Simply cut each into 10.5 pieces with a saw and sand the cut edges until smooth. You can paint or stain the pieces or leave them raw for a natural look. Store them in a bin or box so they are always ready to stack and play a round.

Stump Board Games

Classic games are even more fun outdoors. A cut-down tree is a perfect opportunity to add a few to your yard. You can make checkers by stenciling and using outdoor paint to create a checkerboard on the top of a stump. Then, paint pebbles in two different shades to be used as
playing pieces.

Tic Tac Toe is also a fun option. Paint a permanent tic tac toe board on your stump and seal it with polyurethane made for outdoor use. Then, use rocks or smaller pieces of wood to make markers. Paint them like insects or flowers for a fun nature theme and use them to compete against each other in this classic game.

Paver Games

If you have more space, you can even use concrete pavers to create a fun game. Paint them in bright and cheerful colors and lay them out to create a hopscotch set. Install them side by side or add gravel in between for more space if you have larger kiddos.

For the ultimate paver game project, create a giant checkerboard. Pick up 64 pavers in either a 12-inch or 18-inch size depending on the size of your project space. You’ll want two shades in contrasting colors so you can install them in an alternating, checkerboard pattern. Then purchase 12 frisbees each in 2 different colors to use as markers on your giant board.

Create a Family-Friendly Backyard Workout Space

Your backyard is the perfect space to work out and get active. Creating a family-friendly space allows everyone in the family to get involved. So consider the safety and the ages of family members when designing a space for backyard workouts.

Ninja Course

Adding a ninja warrior course to your yard can be a fun project that the whole family can get in on the planning. This is especially perfect for backyards with mature trees. You can also use 4X4s cemented into the ground to build a structure for your course.

You can either craft your course from scratch or use a kit for easy installation. Some great things to include in your course are a rope ladder, monkey bars, rings, and a salmon ladder. If you are feeling extra ambitious, you can build a warped wall at the end. Adding a bed of mulch under your ninja course can cushion falls and make it easier to mow around.

A Sports Court

Your backyard can be the perfect place to add a sports court, especially if you have a big lot. A simple concrete pad can be the ideal space for a basketball hoop. Purchase an easy-to-store net so you can pull it out for tennis or pickleball.

If your family is a little more laid back, add a sports court that’s less active. A bocce ball court is easy to build in your space. If you have limited room, you can make a narrow horseshoe court. Simply install wooden borders to make pits on each end, fill with sand, and add the stake.

Backyard DIY Projects for Foodies

Take your love for food outside the kitchen and to your backyard. These backyard DIY projects allow you to grow your own delicious food, prep meals, and cook delish dishes in your outdoor space. It’s the perfect way to enjoy great flavors in nature!

Produce Garden

Creating your own produce garden is one of the best ways to utilize your backyard space. You can opt for a sprawling garden or a small raised bed. Either mark off our area and till your soil, adding compost to prep for planting. Or, build a wooden border and pick up bulk dirt from your local nursery. Either way, you’ll get fresh flavors full of nutritious goodness.

Look for heirloom varieties of seeds and starter plants for extra variety. Check out your climate zone and research what plants do best planted side by side. You can also add a few fruit trees to create a shaded area of the garden and for sweet treats. Add a birdbath and suet feeder and to attract feathered friends that will help eliminate damaging insects.

Pizza Oven

ways to make your backyard great

An outdoor pizza oven can be one of the greatest additions to any foodies yard. Not only does it make for cozy evenings during cool weather. But the wood-fired oven will create some of the most delicious pizza possible.

You can find countless online tutorials to create a pizza oven to match your style. You can use stones and an organic shape for a rustic look. Or, opt for structured brick for a refined and classic vibe. With limitless options when it comes to size and shape, you can create a pizza oven that’s just right for your space.

Outdoor Bar or Kitchen

An outdoor bar or kitchen gives you a great entertaining space. Don’t get stuck in the house doing meal prep and cooking for guests. Be part of the action and make your meals and drinks right on your deck or patio.

Your outdoor kitchen or bar can be as elaborate or simple as your budget allows. Maybe you just keep it minimal with a grill and a small drink fridge. Or, use your covered patio to the fullest and add a dishwasher, L-shaped counters for food prep, and a keg fridge to keep the drinks flowing.

DIY Ways to Create a Perfect Backyard for Entertaining

If you want to make your backyard a gathering place, there are some projects that you can do to enhance your space. By making your backyard fun and welcoming, you create a space that everyone can enjoy. There are large and small projects you can do to make your backyard the place to be.

A DIY Outdoor Eating Space Project

how to create an awesome backyard

Take your dinner parties out back for alfresco entertaining. Maybe you are all about big dinner parties and cookouts. Or maybe you are just interested in hosting intimate gathers and cocktail hours. Either way, you can create eating spaces that are perfect for the vibe you are looking for.

A Laid Back Seating Area

Creating a chill seating area gives you the perfect spot to enjoy snacks and drinks in a laid-back way. Set up furniture in a way that encourages conversation and relaxation. Look for Adirondack chairs that are unfinished and paint or stain them in fun hues for your space.

You can also build a sectional and coffee table from repurposed wood. Look for instructions that fit the dimensions of your space and skill level. Then, make your own cushions and pillows out of outdoor fabric for a truly custom look.

A Stellar Backyard Dining Table

Want to host a large guest list for a backyard meal? Build a DIY table that’s big enough to host all of your friends. Look online for plans to build your own dining table. There are tutorials to build wooden farmhouse tables and benches for nearly every skill level. Plus you can customize it to the size and shape that you need for your space.

A concrete table is another way to create a dining space while adding industrial flair to your backyard. Make a mold out of two by fours and fill it with mixed concrete to create a layer that’s a few inches thick. Then, attach legs by placing them in the concrete before setting or by using brackets and concrete screws.

If you are looking for an easier project, simply repurpose used dining furniture for your space. You can often find sets on selling sites or at secondhand stores. Powerwash and sand to get as much of the old paint off as possible. Then, spray paint your new find in a fun color using a product made for outdoor furniture.

Make Your Backyard an Entertainment Destination

Create a backyard with the sights and sounds of excitement. Music and movies are perfect additions to any outdoor space. This is especially true if you enjoy entertaining guests and hosting events.

Create a Fire Pit for Cozy Backyard Gatherings

how to create a great backyard

Few things are cozier and inviting than a fire and adding a fire pit to your backyard provides a great place to gather year-round. Build your fire pit out of stone landscaping pavers or brick in whatever shape you desire. Just make sure it is a safe distance from your house and other structures.

A square fire pit is a unique look that’s easier to lay out. You can use brick and mortar them securely together. Or, use landscaping stones with rounded inside edges to make a circular shape for your fire pit. Surround your new fire pit with plenty of seating and stock up on the ingredients for smores!

Add an Outdoor Speaker System

An outdoor speaker system allows you to create any kind of mood you want in your outdoor space. Go for smooth jazz for adult cocktail parties or peppy pop tunes for a family cookout. By strategically adding speakers, you can make sure that your tunes are heard from every corner of your lot.

Luckily, the technology of Bluetooth makes this a fairly simple DIY project. Many are wireless so the only steps you need to take are mounting the speakers and setting up the connection to your device. Just make sure to space them around the yard so sound can be distributed as evenly as possible.

Build Your Own Backyard Movie Screen

What better way to enjoy a warm summer evening than by watching a movie under the stars. Build your own movie screen to host backyard movie nights all season. All you need are some basic materials, tools, and a projector to screen the newest releases.

Use 4x4s to build posts. Dig holes deeper than your frost line and add concrete to secure the posts in place. Then, use rings to create a place to hang your screen. Use a white polyester screen and mount it with hooks to the rings on the post, securing its four corners tautly.

Making Your Backyard Awesome, One Project at a Time

projects for an awesome yard

Creating the backyard of your dreams is possible. Your backyard should reflect your personal style, the activities you enjoy, and the needs of your family. And with a little planning and willingness to try a few DIY projects, you can create a space to enjoy for years to come.

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Inexpensive Ways to Keep Your Home Warm in Winter Tue, 21 Dec 2021 01:47:27 +0000 inexpensive ways to keep home warm in winter

If you are tired of high heating bills and feeling cold in your own home, you might need some help coming up with some inexpensive ways to keep your home warm in the winter. There are many small ways that you can make your home warmer even during the tough and cold months of the year. You can take advantage of these tips and tricks that will make sure that your home is warm no matter what the weather outside is like.

These are not huge changes like remodeling your home or replacing your roof or installing a fireplace. These are changes that anyone can make and you can pick and choose from this list to find the items that will work best for your needs to keep your home warm and comfortable in every season of the year. Being cold indoors is not an option and these tips will help you to stay comfortable and cozy in even the coldest weather.

If you are ready to learn more about how to keep your home warm in the winter, you need to read on!

Inexpensive Ways to Keep Your Home Warm in Winter

1. Programmable Thermostat

While many people view these devices as being a lot of trouble for not much in the way of results, you should not let this kind of device intimidate you. Programmable thermostats are very easy to use and you will get a lot of great cost-savings on your heating and cooling bills as well as a superior comfort sensing device that will keep your home comfortable and warm even during the toughest cold weather.

These devices are easy to install and they can be set up to run on any set program that you want to have maintained by the system without your intervention. You can set different programs as well, meaning that you can have one program that is used when you will be away from home for an extended period of time and another that will be used when you are home and are trying to enjoy the comfort of your living spaces.

You can pick which temperatures and what times you want the heat to switch on and off when you use one of these devices. This means that you can set the home to cooler when you are away at work and warmers as you are heading home. Being able to count on a warm and cozy house to greet you when you come back from work or an all-day adventure can be a really nice way to make sure that your home feels welcoming and snug.

2. Close the Flu to Keep Your Home Warm in the Winter

If you do not use your fireplace or you are not using it more than once in a while for fun, you should make sure that you have the flu closed. If there is no fire going in the fireplace, you can close the flu without any worries about safety. You will save a lot of money when you close the flu because cold air will not be blowing down into your house through the chimney.

A large fire can heat a huge space, but when you do not have a fire in the fireplace, you should not allow air to flow through the chimney and bring with it cold. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to save lots of money each month but many people with fireplaces are not even aware that they can close their flu like this to prevent cold air from blowing down the chimney!

If you do want to have fires every night, you can use this heat to make your home quite warm, but the cost of wood products can climb quite high in some areas. If you want to maximize the heat that your fire creates, you can get glass fireplace doors for your fireplace. This will make it possible to close the cold air that could come through the flu out and you will also get the benefit of increased heat from the fire that will not threaten materials and human limbs that are near it.

3. Use Ceiling Fans

Most people think of ceiling fans as a tool that keeps the air moving when it is hot out. This is often the time that you will notice their help the most, but when you are trying to heat your home effectively, ceiling fans can be used to bring heated air down from the ceiling area to circulate through the house. Some people say that the air is cooled by them circulating it, but that is not a common problem.

Fans can help move the air that you have paid to heat, which is trapped at the ceiling, down to the lower parts of the room so that it can move around and keep you and your family warm. You should always run your fans at the lowest settings so that the air is being moved, not disrupted speedily. Some fans also have a reverse function that can help to move the air rather than cool it.

Installing ceiling fans can be a very simple project in most cases, or you can even use regular fans to help move the air around the room when you are heating your house with central air or with a fireplace.

cheap ways to keep home warm in winter

4. Keep Furniture Away From Vents

If you have floor heat and you are blocking the vents, you will be wasting money heating your home. Air that is trapped in the corner of the room behind a tall chair or under a large couch, cannot move through your living spaces and heat them. You should make sure that your forced-air system is not being prevented from doing its job each day.

You do not have to move all the furniture that is placed in locations that might be blocking your floor heat, but you should make sure that not every single vent is blocked by something. Sometimes you cannot avoid blocking a few vents, but blocking all of them will lead to a house that feels cold and is not pleasantly cozy no matter how much you heat it.

5. Block Drafts to Save Money on Winter Heating Costs

If you can feel cold air coming in under the doors of your living room or into your bedroom, you can prevent this cold air from getting into the space by investing in door bolsters. These clever devices will block the drafts that are coming in under doorways and can trap heat into a unique space with ease. They are very simple to install and will take care of those pesky drafts in a snap.

If you have drafts of cold air coming in through old windows in your rooms, you should add a set of heavy drapes. You can pull these drapes shut at night, or even during particularly cold weather, to prevent the cold air from leaking in around them. You will be trapping warm air inside the room and keeping it from escaping as well.

Blocking drafts can make a big difference in your ability to heat your home efficiently and door bolsters are a very simple way to accomplish this goal.

6. Keep Doors Closed

While it might not seem like closing off parts of your home that are not being used will help with your heating bill, you will find that closing doors can help direct heat into specific areas. You will often find that heating your home is much easier if you close the doors to bedrooms or other spaces that you do not use frequently. 

You will keep the heat that you are generating in the areas that you are actually using and you will not waste money heating rooms that you are not going to be spending time in.

Closing doors can help in the summer as well when you are cooling your home. Any space that you are not using should be closed off from the central part of your home if you want to save some money on heating and cooling each year. You will not be using these spaces after all, and if you do decide to use them, you just need to open the door to warm or cool the room again.

low cost ways to keep home warm in winter

7. Use Window Seals for a Low-Cost Way to Keep Your Home Warm in the Winter

If you think that your old windows are the source of a lot of drafty cold air, you can actually make your windows less inefficient. You can buy plastic film window seals that come in easy-to-use kits and install them on your windows. These films will help create a draft-proof space behind each window.

If you think you can feel your windows rattling or you think that the drafts of air are coming in around the frames, you can caulk the frames or replace them. Windows can be the biggest source of cold airflow in the winter, especially in older homes. 

Making sure that your windows are not competing against your efforts to heat your home is not an expensive process and you will get great results for making the effort to fix this issue.

8. Change the Furnace Filter

Your furnace filter should be changed as often as recommended by the manufacturer, which is usually at least two times a year. If you live in an area that experiences lots of dust, smog, or has wildfires each year, you should change it more often. You will want to make sure that the filter that you choose is right for your furnace and that it is capturing irritants and contaminants from the air as well as protecting your furnace from these invading substances.

If you have noticed that you are replacing filters more often than you should be, your furnace might need to be serviced. Sometimes there are things going on with your furnace that can make it less effective at heating your home and having a pro come and look at it can help take care of this challenge to your efforts to heat your home as well.

There are washable and reusable furnace filters on the market if the cost of furnace filters is a challenge for your heating needs. You can use these for about five years if they are cared for correctly. They are very affordable and will save you a lot of money on buying filters annually.

inexpensive ways to keep house warm in the winter

9. Make Sure to Be Sparing With Hot Water

If you are thinking about ways to save money on your energy bill in the winter, it is easy to forget that it takes energy to heat your water as well as your home. It is tempting to forget the energy costs that are associated with heating water to a hot temperature. You can actually save a lot of money on the process of making your home warm and cozy in the winter by cutting back on how often you take long, hot showers.

Keeping your showers more efficient and making sure that you are not wasting hot water while getting ready to get into the shower can save a lot of money over the course of the year, not just in the winter. If you have an old hot water heating system, you will save even more money by making sure that you are sparing with your use of hot water.

For those who love baths, keep your hot baths to a minimum in the winter as well. It takes a lot of water to fill a bathtub and most people enjoy this treat at the maximum temperature that is offered by their hot water system. This is a big energy drain and leads to a much higher bill for energy use.

10. Make Sure to Prevent Rapid Cycling to Save Money on Winter Heating

Many people are not aware that there is a spike of power that is used to cycle your heating and cooling systems on and off. If your heat is cycling on and off frequently throughout the day, this can add a lot of cost to your energy bill each day. 

You can sometimes set your thermostat to prevent rapid cycling, or you can also change the way that you have programmed the day’s heating to prevent the heat from coming on repeatedly throughout the day.

You can also choose to set your ideal temperature a bit lower so that the heating system is not trying to keep the house at an unreasonable temperature all day by cycling on and off constantly. If you are living in an older home, this can be one of your best lines of defense against the wasted power that is needed to make the heat come on over and over throughout the day.

When you set the temperature lower in your home, use draft bolsters, drapes, and shut doors to trap the heat that you have created into the living space that you are using most. This can be the biggest help if the thermostat is located in one of these living spaces. 

When the thermostat thinks that the house is warm enough, it will not turn the heat on, so keeping the room that you are spending time in warmer by shutting it off from other rooms can help keep the thermostat happy with the temperature.

11. Add Blankets

If you are finding that you are comfortable when you are moving around your home in the winter, but cold when you sit down to watch a movie or read a book, you can fix this problem by adding some blankets to the back of the couch or chairs. These blankets can be used to cover you up and keep you warm while you are sitting down, making it easier to resist the urge to turn the heat up a degree or two.

You will find that sitting under blankets is really cozy anyway, and if you get large and fluffy ones, you will have the added benefit of soft comfort being added to the experience. Blankets can make any room much more comfortable to spend time in, so pick the kind of blankets that you know that you will enjoy cuddling under for your added warmth while you are at rest.

You can also make sure that you have winter bedding for the beds in your home. Flannel sheets and heavy top blankets can make the bed cozy, even in the colder hours of the night. You will not want to turn the heat up if you are cozy and snug under soft and warm bedding each night. Being able to sleep comfortably during the coldest months of the year is important and you can make this goal a reality with this easy change.

affordable ways to keep your house warm in the winter

12. Add Rugs 

If you have hardwood floors in your home, you can trap heat into the rooms and living spaces with ease if you add rugs to the locations in question. Rugs make the floor feel less cold to your feet and they help to keep the warm air in the room that you are trying to keep cozy. This can be a big help in bedrooms with wood floors because your bare feet will not have to touch the cold flooring if you get up in the middle of the night.

Area rugs are not expensive and you can add them anywhere that you want to have some protection from the cold in the winter. This means that your living room and bedrooms are a great place to add some area rugs for comfort and for trapping heat into the space. You will love that you can impact the overall warmth of a living space so easily with this one simple change and adding area rugs can also let you change the style and colors of a living space with ease!

13. Use Your Home’s Fireplace as a Low-Cost Heating Solution

If you have a fireplace in your bedroom or living room, using it can make a big impact on the warmth of your home. You can actually turn your furnace down quite a bit and just use the heat from your fireplace to heat your home. Wood heat is very efficient and offers really pleasant and effective warmth at any time of the year. In some areas, wood can be really expensive, so this might not be practical if the price of wood makes it inefficient.

You might also have a gas fireplace, and these can provide excellent heat as well. You will pay less to run this kind of fireplace than you probably think, and heating the living space that has one with the fireplace can help cut down on your heating bills a lot. Be wary of the portable and plug-in kind of fireplace, as they are a lot like electric heaters. You might get a lot of heat out of one of these little devices, but you will spend a lot of money heating a large space with this kind of little fake fireplace.

Keeping Your Home Warm in the Winter Can Be Easy and Economical

economical ways to keep your house warm in the winter

Keeping your home warm in the winter is a snap if you are using the right tips and tricks. You will find that there is nothing difficult about employing any of these hacks to keep your home warm and comfortable this winter season, and you will be so happy that you are saving money on your electric bill each day that you use them. There is nothing better than a warm and cozy home, and it is even better if you have achieved this goal without breaking the bank.

Keeping your home warm doesn’t have to be hard if you are prepared each year for the cold weather to come. Invest in some affordable drapes, make sure to get some door bolsters, and consider having an expert out to make sure that your furnace is in good repair. Taking care of the comfort of you and your family in the coldest part of the year does not have to break the bank if you use these tips and tricks to your advantage.

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Guide to Choosing the Right Cabinets for Your Kitchen Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:30:48 +0000
choosing the right cabinets for your kitchen

The cabinets in your kitchen offer your home more than just storage solutions for your kitchen items. You will find that having the right cabinets in your kitchen can greatly impact the design and the feel of your kitchen. The color, design, and style of your kitchen cabinets can change the entire feel of your kitchen area as well as your shared living room and kitchen space.

If you have been wanting to update your kitchen cabinets but are not sure what the right cabinets should be for your needs, you need to look into some tips and tricks to help you decide on the right cabinets. There are a variety of factors that go into picking the right kitchen cabinets for any home and you should be aware of them before you start shopping.

If you are ready to learn more about how to choose the right cabinets for your kitchen, you need to read on!

Choosing from the Types of Kitchen Cabinets

There are various styles of kitchen cabinets that you can choose from. Each of these styles offers a different design feel and you might change the entire look of your kitchen just by changing out the cabinets that you have hanging in the space.

selecting the right cabinets for your kitchen

· Shaker

These are the most common styles that you will see for cabinets in a kitchen. These are a classic design that offers a conservative and polished look that almost anyone will love. Shaker-style cabinets are traditionally a single flat center panel design with a raised ring of wood above the flat center panel. These are nice cabinets to choose from if you want painted cabinets because they take color well and look really finished and sleek when they are painted.

These are a really common style because they are so utilitarian and you will find that they will hold up well to being used on a daily basis. There are typically no glass panels or doors in these basic panels and they are often made of cherry, maple, hickory, or oak wood.

picking out the right cabinets for your kitchen

· Louvered

This is a fancy design that is associated with Florida or tropical locations in many people’s imagination. These cabinets offer angled slatted doors that make sure that you will get a lot of circulation into the cabinet spaces behind them. This is a great choice in tropical locations to help with mold and mildew and to prevent food from breaking down quickly.

These are quite an expensive style and many people will only add them to smaller spaces like a laundry room to help with moisture. They are often too spendy to add to your entire kitchen.

· Flat or Slab Panels

This is a really modern style that offers sleek and totally flush cabinet surfaces that have simple metal handles. You will get a seamless design that almost looks like a solid wall without seams or changes in the layering of the wood on the fronts of the cabinets.

This can be the perfect way to elevate your kitchen to a new sleek and modern look and many modern buildings have these cabinets in them to start with.

· Inset

This design offers an inset door inside the cabinet frame instead of on the frame like a normal cabinet door. This process requires meticulous measurements to create and this means that these cabinets can be a little spendy. They are really formal looking but can be the perfect design for your kitchen needs if you have a French provincial style kitchen or other upgraded look in the space.

These cabinets and drawers last for years because they are very well constructed and you will find that the cabinets work perfectly and with little noise due to their superior design and construction. You will have exposed hinges on this style.

· Distressed

Reclaimed wood and wood that has been made to look this way are very popular and lots of kitchens have distressed wood cabinets these days. This is a really popular way to get a farmhouse or even beachy feel worked into your kitchen design. This is not an expensive cabinet style overall and if you have real antique cabinets, you can actually just distress them further and add them to your décor.

buying the right cabinets for your kitchen

· Thermofoil

This is another modern and dynamic style that offers a smooth and sleek finish. These cabinets are sometimes made without handles even and you will just press at the corners to open them. This is a plastic product that is baked until it is sealed and high gloss. These cabinets might look like wood due to the pattern that is built into the plastic.

This is a really low-maintenance style that is very sleek and very modern. They can be sensitive to heat, so they need to be installed with care if they need to be near an oven or cooktop.

· Beadboard

This is a style that uses vertical planks known as “beads” to craft the cabinets. This gives almost a ship-style feel and can pair well with subway tile or other farmhouse elements in your kitchen. This is one of the styles that has stayed popular for years and years and you will love how classic this cottage-style cabinet design is. This is a style of cabinet that is often painted white and it typically uses rounded or old-fashioned knobs.

planning the right cabinets for your kitchen

· Custom

The final option is custom-made cabinets that can offer any combination of features and design choices for your personal needs. This makes it easy to mix and match handles and cabinet styles as well as gaining access to wood types that are not usually linked with certain cabinet build styles.

Custom cabinets can be expensive, but you will often get the best product for your money for a truly custom look. You can make your kitchen uniquely yours if you decide to opt for customer cabinetry for the entire kitchen.

Tips to Choose the Right Kitchen Cabinet

Choosing the right cabinet style for your needs doesn’t have to be a struggle. They might all be tempting to you and choosing might seem tough, but there are some key factors and tips and tricks that can help guide your choices. Picking the right cabinets will complete your kitchen and just changing out the cabinets can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your kitchen space.

1. Choose Custom or Prefab

This is the first big choice that anyone has to make about cabinets they are going to install in their kitchen. If you want to have a really unique look, you will need to choose custom in most cases. This might also be necessary if you want unique size or height cabinets. Custom cabinets can be expensive, but if you have a kitchen with an odd set of angles or design features, it might be your best bet.

Prefabricated cabinets are the most common choice to make since they are cheaper and they will offer you consistent results. You might even be able to install prefabricated cabinets yourself and save a lot of money for your overall cabinet replacement process in a remodel or redesign.

No matter which cabinet style you choose, you need to be sure that you get quality cabinets that will actually offer you the storage solutions that you need. There is nothing worse than having beautiful cabinets that do not fit all of your kitchen items.

2. Consider Storage Needs

Do you have lots of large appliances? Do you have two full sets of pots and pans or an entire spare set of fancy china that needs a home? If this is the case, you might need some additional height to your cabinets or you might need to expand the cabinet space that you were originally planning to install in your kitchen space.

Standard kitchen cabinet choices offer a lot of the space that most people will need, but if you have a lot of things that need to fit into your kitchen cupboard and drawers, you might need to be sure that you get access to all the space that you need to make things work for your sanity and organization.

Consider adding a corner cabinet with a lazy susan for easy spice storage or other kinds of easy access. You can also choose to have an insert in your cabinet that offers a hidden garbage can space. Even under sink space can be made to handle a lot of unique storage requirements that you might have been making work through less ideal means.

When you are replacing your cabinets, you should not just think about the outside appearance. You need to try to plan for the actual function of your cabinets as well as the way that they will impact the color and the feel of your kitchen as a whole.

choosing the right cabinetry for your kitchen

3. Custom Interiors

If you have wanted to pick custom cabinets but do not want to pay the price for the custom items to be built, you can look into inserts that can make your cabinet interiors more effective for your needs. There are many storage solutions that fit inside standard cabinet size spaces and you can employ them to store various items with ease.

The other thing that you need to think about when planning the storage spaces inside your cabinets, is that you can pick cabinets that have the kind of shelves that can be moved up and down to allow taller items to fit within them with ease. 

These common cabinet interior storage solutions will allow you to change the height of the shelving so that you can fit more or fewer items inside each cabinet. This is very helpful when storing dishes and other items that take up less space when there are enough shelves to separate and stack them.

4. Plan Drawers Versus Cabinets

When you are remodeling, you will probably have the choice to add drawers or change them out for cabinets. Both kinds of storage space offer unique benefits so you should consider what you need for your storage in your kitchen. If you have lots of large or tall items, cabinets are probably better than drawers. Drawers are perfect for things like silverware and smaller items and you can often add more things to your storage if you have lots of drawers.

Remember that drawers will have to be placed down low where you can access them readily and balance the number of drawers that you have for easy access when compared to cabinets. Cabinets and drawers should all match, so whatever style cabinets you pick will need to be matched to the drawer facings or they will all need to be replaced at the same time.

Drawers are often more expensive than cabinets because they will need their own tracks, fronts, and hardware. Cabinets are mostly just empty boxes with doors on the front and do not need track and wheel assemblies of any kind. Adding drawers can increase the cost of your job.

5. Consider Your Appliances

If you have appliances that are large and you don’t want them on the kitchen counters, you need to think about the kinds of cabinets that will be needed for these items. While you might be able to put them into spaces that are less than ideal, this can make it hard to access them when you need them. Making sure that you have a designated cabinet space for taller or bulky items can help with your overall storage goals immensely.

Appliances might not be your only tall or large items and if you have lots of mixing bowls or dishware, you will want to be sure that you have the right cabinets for your overall storage needs. This is part of the benefits of picking your own cabinets and you can improve your storage on the inside of your cabinets while also altering and improving the outside appearance of your cabinets.

6. Modern or Classic Styling

You might feel like you can’t choose between modern styles of cabinet or traditional styles. Sometimes your space will make the choice for you because if there is not enough space to add the fittings and other design needs of modern cabinet supports, you might not be able to change to this style of cabinet. You might also find that styles that require heavier materials will not work in your kitchen due to a lack of stud support for heavy cabinet styles.

At the end of the day, you can choose either design style if you wish but you will need to be sure that you can actually fit the designs that you have in mind into your kitchen without causing issues with the support of the cabinets or their function. 

Adding larger drawers or larger cabinet doors can make it hard to navigate the kitchen if you have a very small or galley kitchen. You should always consider working with a design expert if you are not sure if the cabinets that you have in mind will work for your needs.

buying the right cabinetry for your kitchen

7. Color

This can be a big decision when you are replacing cabinets in your kitchen. Modern styles are not always sold in every color that you could want as they are often made of materials that are limited in color. Wooden cabinets can often be painted to be any color that you want, but there are some wood materials that do not take certain colors well. 

Color can be impacted by more than just the material of your cabinet choice and you need to be sure that you pick a color that will hold up over time to exposure to sun and other environmental factors.

This is another place where having the help of a design expert can be really invaluable. You can get some advice about the color ranges that each cabinet style will offer you and they will probably be able to show you some pictures of the other kitchens out there with the cabinets you are thinking of picking.

One of the other factors to do with colors that you might want to choose for your kitchen cabinets is that bold colors can go in and out of style. This might be an issue if you want to sell your home or your apartment when the color of your cabinets has gone out of style. If you are not sure that you want to have to repaint or replace your kitchen cabinets to accommodate changing styles when you go to sell or rent out your home or apartment, you might want to pick a conservative color.

Some kitchens also do not get enough light to handle dark colors, and you need to be aware that the natural light in your kitchen can impact your color decision quite a bit. Picking bold or unique colors can be fine so long as the natural light in your kitchen will make these colors work with all of your other décors.

8. Finishes

If you are not sure which kind of finish you want to pick, you can often get samples of the different styles to look at when you work with a design expert. You might also be able to head to a Home Depot or other home building store to look at the different styles of cabinets so that you can see what each style looks like in person.

The finish of the exterior of your cabinets can impact the overall look and feel of your kitchen greatly. You need to be sure that you like how the cabinets you have chosen look in person and that you like the way that they operate with these finishes in place. Some kinds of hardware can actually be less ideal than you might have thought and you should be sure of this before you commit to installing cabinets that do not suit your needs or operate in a way that you prefer.

9. Fittings and Hardware

Many people don’t think about the handles and other fittings of their cabinets before they install them. You might like the way that handles look but then once you are using them, you hate them. There are so many different kinds of fittings and hardware that you can find the style that you like if you go looking around at styles.

You might not be able to get the handle style that you prefer with certain cabinet exteriors. This is why you need to know what kinds of knobs and handles you prefer before you pick the exterior of your cabinets. It is frustrating to love the cabinets you have picked and hate the fittings. You need to be comfortable when you are operating the drawers and opening cabinets in your kitchen to enjoy cooking and spending time in the space. This is an often-overlooked part of the process of picking the right cabinets and drawers for your kitchen.

Picking the Right Cabinets Doesn’t Have to be Hard

choosing the right kitchen cabinets

If you have been struggling to pick the right cabinets for your needs, you probably just need to do some more research into your unique needs for your kitchen. If your kitchen is a unique shape or size, then you should also consider getting the help of a design expert to help you to pick the right style cabinets for your storage needs. 

There are sometimes limitations that you might not be aware of that will make the cabinets that you have picked a poor choice for your kitchen space. This is where an expert can really help with your design process.

Picking new kitchen cabinets can be a really exciting process and you will love having a refreshed kitchen look when you are done picking out new cabinets and drawers. There is nothing better than a refreshed kitchen and you will love spending time in your newly-minted kitchen once the new cabinets are installed. Picking the right cabinets is important and you should always take the time to be certain of the cabinets that you have selected before you install them.

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How To Improve Air Quality In Your Office Thu, 14 Oct 2021 17:18:54 +0000 improve office air quality

We all want to breathe in clean, fresh air, especially in the workplace, which makes it extremely important to make sure the air quality in your building is up to par. This will not only play a key role in your employee’s health but their productivity in the office as well. If you want your staff to feel their best and work hard while on the clock, it will be essential to understand the impact that poor air quality can have on those who work for your company.

Although you cannot see them, your office could be filled with many different allergens or pollutants that can easily become trapped in unfiltered air, especially in an enclosed space such as an office building. To avoid this, it is important to prioritize your office’s indoor air quality, promoting the health and well-being of your employees.

Whether you have a small business or a large corporation, you should value your office’s air quality, considering the impact it can have on your employee’s health and your company. By understanding what air quality is, how to detect poor air quality levels, and learning about new ways to improve the air quality in your space – you can create a safe, healthy environment that will enhance your employee’s productivity and efficiency in the office.

What is Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality or IAQ refers to the air quality inside and around a building, relating to the health and well-being of building occupants. Poor indoor air quality is known to negatively affect the health and comfort of those who are breathing the air in.

Indoor air quality is a part of indoor environmental quality or IEQ too, which is essential to the physical and psychological aspects of life indoors.

To determine the indoor air quality, multiple air samples will need to be collected, human exposure to different pollutants will need to be monitored, and samples will need to be gathered from building surfaces. With these different collections and tests, professionals can determine if the air quality in an office building is good or not.

Indoor air pollution can be hazardous, especially if you are exposed for a long period, making it increasingly important to pay attention to the air quality in your building to make sure you and your employees are breathing in the freshest, cleanest air possible.

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality pollution sources, in their many forms, will release gases or particles into the atmosphere, which is one of the primary causes of poor indoor air quality in office buildings. Another contributing factor is inadequate ventilation, which can increase indoor pollutant levels by not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute the emissions from indoor sources or carry them out of the area. Plus, if there are higher temperatures or higher humidity levels in an indoor space, this can help to increase the concentration of some pollutants, making them worse than they already are on their own.

While there are many different pollutants that you may come into contact with, the impact of any single source will depend on how much of a given pollutant it emits and how hazardous the emissions are.

Sometimes factors such as how old the source is or if it has been properly maintained will be important.

When it comes to building materials, furnishings, or products like air fresheners, pollutants will be released more or less continuously, while smoking residue or pollutants from cleaning products can be released intermittently. Also, with unvented or malfunctioning appliances being improperly used, there can be high or potentially dangerous levels of pollutants emitted as a result.

This is important to keep in mind, to make sure you can recognize where pollutants come from and how they are emitted into the air in your office building. With this knowledge, it will be easier to detect an air quality problem and what exactly the pollutant source is.

Most Common Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality:

  • Pollutants that come from cleaning supplies
  • Carpet fumes from a newly installed carpet
  • Paint and VOC’s from a freshly painted office space
  • Mold or mildew caused by excessive moisture or humidity levels
  • Poor ventilation systems
  • Appliance-generated pollutants from a space heater or other combustion appliances
  • Artificial fragrances from air fresheners or deodorizers
  • Tobacco residue
workplace air quality improvement

How to Detect Indoor Air Quality Issues in Your Office?

If you want to check on the air quality in your office space, to ensure the health and well-being of your employees, there are a couple of different ways that you can go about detecting indoor air quality issues.

Do Air Quality Tests on Your Own

If you want to utilize a more cost-effective way to check on the air quality in your building, it is always a great option to conduct tests on your own with products that you can easily find in certain stores or online.

Invest in an Air Quality Monitor

To effectively detect and log the quality of air in your office space, it is recommended to invest in a reputable air quality monitor to keep in your building. These devices will usually check for allergens that you inhale, chemical pollutants, temperature, and humidity levels.

Check for Signs of Mold

In most cases, you should be able to detect mold by simply using your sense of smell. If you have been questioning a musty odor and cleaning does not remove the smell, this is might be a concern. You may consider hiring a professional to conduct a mold test to make sure everything is okay.

Utilize an Air Purifier

If you want to actively work on improving the air quality in your office, it may be time to invest in an air purifier. This will help to remove dust particles, mold spores, and other allergens efficiently.

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Due to the colorless and odorless nature of carbon monoxide, it is helpful to install a carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your office building. Just remember to change the batteries every six months, to ensure the detector will work properly year-round.

Change Air Filters Regularly

It is always a good idea to change your air filters regularly, to promote a healthy flow of air throughout your office space. This will help to collect allergens and other particles, allowing you to breathe easier especially if you are easily affected by allergies.

Look for Signs of Poor Air Quality in Your Workplace

While it may seem self-explanatory, it is always important to actively look for signs of poor air quality in the workplace. This can help you detect indoor air quality issues before they get out of hand so that you can take care of the problem before it begins affecting your employee’s health.

Increase in Allergy Symptoms

Oftentimes we attribute our allergies to changing seasons or bad weather, but irritants and pollutants in the air can also cause allergy-like symptoms in your employees too. Look for symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, headaches, or bloody noses in your employees, and get your air tested if you have noticed a rise in any of these symptoms.

Monitor Construction Around your Office Building

If there is construction going on in the area surrounding your office building, your employees could be exposed to dust particles, chemicals, or other pollutants that can collect in your HVAC system.

Seek Out Professional Help to Improve Office Air Quality

If you are concerned about the quality of air in your office space, it may be the right time to seek out professional help. Even if you think you have exhausted all solutions, it can be extremely helpful to enlist the help of a professional, to ensure the health, safety, and comfort of your employees.

Get an Air Quality Test Done

To protect your employees and anyone who spends time in your building, it may be in your best interest to get an air quality test done by a professional. This will help you better understand what the air quality levels are and what the pollutant source is, to help you begin taking the proper steps to improve the indoor air quality in your office.

Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Workplace

improve air quality in workplace

In an office building, there are so many people in such a small, confined space that it is easier for dust, dirt, and allergens to build up. If the indoor air quality is poor in your building, it can negatively impact your employees and their well-being. If you have heard them complaining about any symptoms on the job, it could be related to the air quality levels in the office.

To avoid this outcome and improve the indoor air quality in your office space, it is important to keep these things in mind to enhance the productivity, efficiency, and comfort of your employees.

Keep Air Vents Open and Unblocked

To make sure air is moving and flowing properly throughout your office space, every air vent in your building must be open and unblocked. If by chance a box or piece of furniture is blocking the vent, this could put your employees at risk due to less airflow.

Replace Air Filters Often

With dust and debris that can build up in air filters, it is easy for them to become clogged, making it impossible for air to filter through. Don’t forget that air filters should be replaced every 6 to 12 months, to ensure healthy airflow and air quality levels are maintained.

Pay Attention to Humidity Levels

For most buildings, a good humidity level is between 30 and 50 percent. By maintaining this certain level of humidity, you will be able to keep dust mites, mold, and mildew at bay. You could also invest in dehumidifiers or portable air conditioners to help control the humidity in your space too.

Inspect Air Ducts

If you think that your air ducts are contributing to the air quality in your building, it may be beneficial to call in the help of experts who can clean the ducts and make sure they are working properly.

Bring in Office Plants to Improve Air Quality

While new office plants can add a pop of color and an appealing aesthetic to your office, they can also be helpful by eliminating harmful toxins in the air and replacing them with new oxygen. This will enable your employees to breathe easier and feel better while on the clock.

Enjoy the Benefits of Fresh Air

If your office has windows, make sure to open them up and get fresh air into your building with ease. If the weather permits, having your windows open can help to improve airflow and circulate out any impurities.

Maintain a Clean Office Space

To promote a healthy work environment with good indoor air quality levels, it will be essential to maintain a clean office space. To make sure this does not get overlooked, it may be helpful to enlist the help of a cleaning professional to help vacuum, sanitize, dust, clear away clutter, and remove any trash. By scheduling routine cleaning, it will be easier to maintain your space and be sure that it is being kept up with.

Test the Air Quality

In most cases, it is logical to hire a professional with all the right tools to test the air quality in your office. With their knowledge and expertise, they will be able to inspect the area and see what the source of pollution is. They may even have some helpful tips and tricks for you to follow, making it easier to improve the air quality in your building.

Keep These Things in Mind When Managing an Office

  • It can be helpful to maintain a good relationship with the building manager, to stay updated on any indoor environmental issues that may arise over time.
  • When decorating your office space and placing different pieces of furniture, make sure you prioritize air circulation while keeping temperature control and your HVAC systems in mind so that they are not compromised.
  • Develop an effective smoking policy for the members of your team, to avoid involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke or tobacco residue.
  • Avoid products that can cause indoor air quality issues such as certain air fresheners, deodorizers, and cleaning products that you may use daily.
  • Make sure to integrate any indoor air quality concerns into your budget and financial decisions, to make sure you are financially ready to improve the air quality in your building with these expenses already taken into consideration.
  • If you are planning on remodeling or renovating in any way, it is important to make sure that your employee’s exposure to any allergens or pollutants will be at a minimum.
  • Be sure that only necessary and proper pest control methods are being taken, to ensure these chemicals are not able to enter your office space.

Improving the Air Quality in Your Office

better air quality in office

If you value the health, safety, comfort, and well-being of your employees, it is important to make sure the indoor air quality in your office is being maintained properly. This will not only help you keep your employees happy in a healthy environment, but it will allow them to be even more productive and efficient while at work.

To avoid the problems that occur with poor indoor air quality, it is critical to understand what air quality is, how it impacts our health, how to detect if there are any issues in your building, and what you can do to improve the air quality in your workspace.

With many varieties of pollutants out there, there has never been a better time to educate yourself and be more aware of what could be lingering around your employees every single day. By implementing new ways to detect any issues and being prepared to make sure air quality levels are at their best, you can ensure your employees will be able to do their best work.

By taking the proper steps to prevent poor air quality levels while improving the quality of air in your building, you will be able to put your employees first and create a safe, fruitful environment for your entire company.

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Planning Your Lawn Garden Thu, 11 Feb 2021 22:18:59 +0000

Having your own lawn garden is something you should consider because of the many benefits associated with having a lawn. Most people decided to add a yard because they want their homes to have a beautiful view, whereas others just want a lawn, where they get to plant and tend to greens.

Having a beautiful garden lawn in your home would be an excellent option for you if you have a large space outside your home. It’s even better if it’s an outdoor space that is not totally in use and if particularly it is your home and not a rented apartment.

In the long run, with a garden lawn, you can improve your home’s aesthetics, increase your home’s value, and get to feel all of nature’s beauty all while engaging your creativity. This is why planning your own lawn garden is never wrong. Continue reading below for all you need to know about planning a lawn garden. 

What Is A Lawn?

By now, you should be wondering what all the fuss about planning your lawn garden is all about.

A lawn is a deliberately cultivated piece of land that is groomed to produce a lovely green landscape. Your lawn should be a preselected area covered with soil that plants can be easily planted on. Planting on such soil areas will ensure that the ground is soon covered with green grass, giving your otherwise soil-covered land a green view. 

You can also determine the height, dimensions, and pattern of growth of such plants to give your lawn garden an aesthetic effect. You will also need to pay attention to the eradication of weeds to ensure that you are in control of what you have growing on your lawn. 

The simplicity involved in having a lawn is evident. With the right tips and care, you can have a carefully groomed garden for recreational use and aesthetic beauty. 

It is also not uncommon to find lawns planted in homes and offices, suggesting that you can also have your lawn garden any and everywhere. This is why you should know how to go about creating your own lawn. Learning some tips for lawn mowing and care can go a long way in helping to maintain your space. 

Planning Your Lawn Garden

If you want your lawn to come out great and last long, you need to plan adequately for it. Like everything worth doing well, creating a lawn garden needs to be well-thought-out. 

Here are a few things you must pay attention too as you plan your lawn:

Lawn materials

One of the first things you’ll need as you begin to plan your lawn is the materials required to have a typical lawn garden. These materials are not necessarily just items but things that, without them, creating a lawn would be impossible. They are the first things you must ensure you have around you. They include:

a) Outdoor space

This primarily is the most important thing you would need before you can think of having a lawn garden. Without space, having a lawn garden is impossible. The outdoor space doesn’t necessarily have to be excessively large. A tiny space that is not in use will do, especially if it is filled with soil.

However, if your outdoor space is not an area filled with sand, you can choose to sand-fill the land area yourself using loamy/humus soil because these soil types are the ideal type for a lawn.

You can also use any type of soil you have available in your area if loamy soil is unavailable. Just make sure that you find some compost waste to fertilize your soil type and make it nutrient-rich. Your compost could be any biodegradable waste that you otherwise would have disposed of if you weren’t planning on creating a lawn garden.

b) Seedlings/Plants

The very next important material you’ll need in your lawn garden is seedlings and plants. Plants are a good addition to any lawn, but to truly achieve a lawn garden, you must include a variety of seedlings or plants. These seedlings are what you would plant on your outdoor pre-prepared soil space once you have ascertained their level of the nutrient. 

Having a variety of seedlings and plants available will also ensure that you are deliberate about your lawn and don’t leave what grows in your lawn garden up to chances. 

Not making deliberate and conscious efforts about what grows in your lawn would give weed and unwanted grasses unlimited and unrestricted access. Check here for common lawn mistakes to avoid at home.

c) Lawn Mower

Having a lawnmower is something you should think of acquiring as you plan your lawn. This is because you are definitely going to need to mow your lawn at some point. Mowing your lawn means to groom your yard to fit it into the shape that you have imagined. 

Mowing makes the eradication of weed and general grooming relatively easy and effective. This is why it is highly recommended that you get your own mower as you plan your lawn. Check out some of the best mowers on the market and find one that fits your needs. 

d) Gardening Tools

Having a well-groomed lawn will be impossible if you don’t have the right tools available. Most people wrongly assume that the only thing needed to have a good lawn is water, sunlight, adequate space, and viable seeds. 

However, getting all of this without the right set of tools will lead to a wasted effort. Some of the tools that you will need for your lawn garden include:

  • Hand Gloves: this is to make sure that your hands are protected as you get to work.
  • Watering Can: to store water and ensure that you always have the appropriate amount of water is accessible to each plant species based on water requirements.
  • Shovels, hoes, and shears: for removing weeds, digging holes, and grooming your lawn garden.

2) Lawn Costs

Having an estimate on how much the lawn is likely going to cost you is a smart way of planning your lawn. With a budget, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and stick to just what you need. This is why it’s important to have an estimate of what it will cost you to create a well-groomed lawn.

However, if you already have a lawn, you should begin to put plans in place to determine how much is needed to make what you have currently, meet up with your dream lawn and things you’ll likely need to correct or repair.  

Also, when it comes to the cost of lawn gardens, you will have to understand that there are different types of lawn with different designs and materials used in making them. 

All these types of lawns also require different financial budgets. Therefore, it is advisable to know your budget before embarking on a journey that you won’t see to the end due to cost oversight.

3)Lawn Designs

Choosing your lawn design is one of the most important tasks you’ll ever do when planning a lawn garden. When it comes to lawn designs, you will have to be very creative and be open to exploring different options. This is because even though there are a lot of concepts for lawn designs, you will still have to come up with a plan that best suits the architectural layout of the structure of your home. 

Asides from this, there are several other factors you need to consider; these include: 

a) Size

This is one of the most critical considerations for lawn designs. The size of your outdoor space would largely determine the size of your lawn garden. Your dream lawn should be such that it can be cut out of your overall outdoor space without causing an unhealthy overlap between free workable space and lawn space.

The size and architectural shape of your outdoor space is a significant determinant of the type of lawn design that you end up with. It will be easier and cheaper for you to just go for a lawn size that perfectly fits into your outdoor space. 

However, if you want a bigger lawn, you may need to hire a professional to help you figure out how to maneuver and maximize the space you have.

You will also have to put in mind that the larger the lawn size, the higher the maintenance costs. This is because more resources will be needed for irrigation, mowing, and other routine maintenance practices. You can also use some clever budget-friendly landscaping ideas if you are trying to cut costs. 

b) Location

Location is also a major determinant of the type and pattern of lawn designs you will have. This is why you have to be familiar with your environment to make the right decision in your lawn plans. 

An area with no fence will preferably have a lawn designed to show a clear distinction between the work paths and the lawn. On the other hand, creating a lawn garden in an area with restricted access to water should feature a lawn design that will favor irrigation. 

Here are just a few designs you can consider out of a broader list of lawn designs.

I) Mowing lines lawn

This type of lawn design has this catchy circular outlook that brings a particular aesthetic beauty to the lawn. Most people who are creating lawn solely for beauty usually opt for this lawn design as it usually turns out very lovely if done right.

The concept behind this type of lawn designs is to make line patterns using a device such as a mower. It is these patterns that determine the growth direction of the planted grasses on the lawn.

The other benefit of this design is that maintaining such lawns is usually relatively easy and affordable. All you need is to get it mowed from time to time.

ii) Irrigated Lawn

You might be wondering if making a lawn is an ideal thing to do in your area, either because of inadequate rainfall or the fact that your outdoor space doesn’t support the free flow of water. The good news is that inadequate rain shouldn’t be a reason to prevent you from planning and designing your own lawn.

There are several lawn designs that perfectly allow for irrigation. To achieve this type of lawn, all you will have to do is locate the nearest direction of water flow to your outdoor space and then channel the flow of water into that direction. 

For more effectiveness, you can use a hose to channel the water and then design your lawn to slope so that water can freely flow across your lawn. This type of design is often known as irrigated lawns.

iii) Edging Lawns

This type of lawn design is particularly suitable for houses without a fence. It protects your lawn garden by preventing animals and people from coming in to disturb the lawn design. Edging lawns are made with really conspicuous edges. The prominent edges are for protection, and they ensure that no one would accidentally step on your precious green. 

There are different types of lawn edging techniques you can try ranging from, wooden lawn edging, lawn edging stones, plastic, and metal lawn edging. 

iv) Garden walls

Another lawn design that you might also want to consider is garden wall lawns. This is a type of lawn garden that is literarily resting on the walls of your house. This kind of lawn is designed to give a strategic impression that the lawn is growing on the walls of the building while, in reality, it is growing from the soil but resting on the walls of the building. 

To achieve this type of design, you will need to plant species of grasses that crown tall and that require horizontal support to arrive at their full potential.

Achieve Your Lawn Garden Dream 

Creating a lawn in your outdoor space adds to the aesthetics and value of the home. People looking to design their lawns themselves need to plan ahead to ensure a seamless operation. Following the guide above can help you achieve your landscaping dream in no time! 

Don’t forget to have your plans clearly mapped out so that you won’t run into any troubles as you begin to work on your lawn. With research and a little hard work, you’ll create a lawn to enjoy your own piece of the great outdoors.

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Everything You Need to Know About Turning Your Lawn Into A Garden Thu, 11 Feb 2021 22:10:24 +0000 turn your lawn into a garden

Imagine looking out your window at a bed full of beautiful and vibrant flowers, maybe even with a few vegetable plants mixed in. Even better, the garden you are admiring is one you created from scratch. You have walked around your neighborhood and admired the gardens for years and now you are ready to build one of your own. 

But you aren’t sure where to begin and feel a little overwhelmed with the idea of tilling the soil or digging up large areas of grass. The good news, turning your lawn into a garden is not as complicated or challenging as you might think. You do need to plan ahead and decide which method to use and what plants will do best in your climate. 

With a little help from your local gardening shop or hardware store and a bit of exercise out in the fresh air as you move mulch and dig up dirt, your lawn can transform into the garden of your dreams. Before you get too attached to one type of flower or plant, you will need to figure out the direction your garden will be facing in relation to the sun. 

You will also want to start thinking about whether you want perennial flowers that will come back each year or annuals that tend to have more blooms but are only in a garden for one season. But before you even get to the planting part, you need to prepare the soil and choose the best space for your garden to bloom. 

The Location of Your Garden on Your Lawn

Just like in real estate, a garden’s location is one of the most important aspects of its success. When planning a garden and the plants that will go in it, you need to think about where and when the sun hits that specific area. You also need to keep in mind where a water source will be so that you can maintain the garden once you are finished planting. 

If you have never gardened before, you will probably want to start with easy to maintain plants such as shrubs and hardy perennials and work your way up to more complicated and finicky flowers. Shrubs and large plants like hydrangeas or roses are a great starting point as they are perennials and come back year after year. 

Once you decide on the location of the garden in your lawn, then you need to map out the perimeter. As you have admired your neighbor’s yards, did you like the look of brick or rock borders better? Did you enjoy the raised bed look of a garden or prefer the in-ground garden style? Think about what you want as a border and start laying a perimeter with string in the shape you prefer. 

One option to consider if you are hesitant to commit to changing a large space of your lawn into a permanent garden is a raised bed garden. The materials for this type of garden are more expensive, but if you change your mind later it is much easier to remove than an in-ground garden. 

There are a lot of options out there for building raised flower beds so you can choose which option is best for your space if you decide to go that route. Assuming you want the in-ground option, the next step after choosing the location is to start preparing the soil. 

Preparing the Soil For Your Lawn Garden

lawn gardening

Making sure the soil is ready for planting is one of the reasons people hesitate to start their own garden. But science has come a long way and taken a lot of the guesswork out of the nutrients and steps you will need to complete to help your garden thrive. You can get your soil tested, but it isn’t necessary as long as you add composted soil with nutrients. 

There is a technique called sheet-mulching which is a foolproof way to ensure the grass won’t grow back (this has also been referred to as the lasagna method because of the layers used). As you decide whether you want to do sheet mulching or a raised flower bed, you need to decide how patient and thrifty you want to be. 

If you are ready and anxious to plant right away, it is going to involve more heavy lifting with the raised flower bed. If you can wait a few weeks then you can let the grass stay as it is for the sheet mulching method. 

If you are going to start planting soon, you will want to use a hoe to cut through the grass and sod to get to the bottom layer of dirt. Hardware stores often let you rent a sod cutter if you are looking for a more efficient method. You can throw the dug up sod into a compost pile to use later. 

Whether you are going to wait it out or go ahead and hoe the ground now, both options will need to use composted soil as the base. This will help the roots of your new plants grow strong and healthy.

Step by Step Instructions for Sheet For Your Lawn Garden Mulching

gardening on your lawn

When you start an in-ground garden the grass needs to be removed before anything else can happen. The first step is to mow the grass down to as short as possible. Once the grass is short, you can spread a light layer of composted dirt before you begin to lay down newspaper or cardboard. 

The middle layer of either cardboard or newspaper is the most important as this layer is what will help smother the grass. Using a biodegradable material ensures that it will eventually break down over time while also being able to keep grass and weeds from growing through. 

Once you have covered the area you plan to use, wet the cardboard. This step helps moisten the ground while also keeping weeds and the previous grass from taking over your flower bed. 

Now you are ready for the top layer. Using the same compost dirt you chose for the base layer, spread a two-inch thick layer on the top. Make sure the newspaper or cardboard layer is still moist first before doing this step. 

If you plan to wait to let the soil adapt, experts recommended waiting a minimum of six weeks to let the soil adjust.  If you plan to plant right away, you will want to add one more layer of potting soil. Potting soil tends to be rich in nutrients which will help your plants adapt to their new home. 

Finally, you want to add a layer of mulch or pine straw. Seasoned gardeners have different views and opinions on whether you should use mulch or pine straw, but ultimately it is up to your personal preference and whichever material you find more aesthetically pleasing. 

You’ve done the hard work of manual labor so now it’s time to observe. As you dug up some of the sod, did you notice if there were earthworms? If so, your soil can likely support a variety of plants. If your soil tended to be on the drier side with sand, you may want to look into adding more compost and potting soil. Once you determine the type of soil in your yard, you can then start planning which plants will do well in your new garden. 

The Fun Part: Choosing What to Plant In Your Garden

lawn garden

Now that you have prepared the soil, the fun part can begin: choosing what to plant. Depending on whether you are new to gardening or not, you may want to choose plants that are more hardy and low maintenance when you are first starting out. 

Regardless of your experience level, you will want to do some research to decide whether or not you want more perennials or annuals. Most gardens tend to have some staple perennials such as gardenia bushes or rose bushes mixed in with the annuals. Remember annuals don’t come back the next year, but they do add a lot of color and depth to a garden as many annuals tend to have luscious blooms for a season. 

Once you start planning out your dream garden, you also want to keep in mind the type of soil that is already naturally occurring in your space as well as what climate you live in. One of the best ways to plant a successful garden is to observe what plants and flowers do well in your neighborhood. Walk around the gardens near your home and ask more seasoned gardeners for advice on what they have found to be successful. 

Plants are an investment and you want to make sure you invest well so that they come back year after year or so that they can thrive during the season. You need to determine which direction your garden is facing. If you have a south-facing garden you will want to plant flowers that are heat tolerant. If your garden is shady, you want to invest in plants that can tolerate less sun. 

As you search through the different flower options, keep in mind what native plants grow in your area. Starting with native plants ensures you will have successful blooms. It is also helpful to choose plants that bloom at different times so that pollination can happen as well as having blooms for a longer period of time. 

After you have chosen your established perennials, have some fun, and choose blooms that you enjoy clipping to have in your home. You can also buy inexpensive packets of seeds to experiment with. There is nothing more satisfying as a gardener than growing a plant from a seed to bloom. 

Whatever you choose to plant, know that you will learn more as a gardener the more you practice. Most gardeners love talking about their garden so don’t be afraid to ask the experts questions. You’ll likely learn a few tips and tricks from those that have spent countless seasons cultivating various plants.

Maintaining Your New Lawn Garden

everything you need to know to make a lawn garden

You took time to research and plan and did quite a bit of manual labor. After all of that, you now have a beautiful garden which will provide beauty and color in your front yard, congratulations! Since you put so much work into making the garden, you will want to make sure to continue to take care of it as time goes on. 

Depending on what you planted and how ambitious you were, you may be able to get away with only having to water once or twice a week depending on where you live. The rule of thumb is that when you first plant a new flower you want to water it every day for seven to ten days to help the roots become established. 

As you continue to work to maintain your garden, notice what plants do well and which plants seem to struggle. Many gardeners suggest making a blueprint of your garden for each season so as plants go dormant for the winter you can remember what plants were located where for the spring. 

If you notice that the grass is trying to grow back or weeds are popping through the soil, you may want to invest in some weed killer to help combat peskier weeds. Or you can use the old fashioned method of pulling them up from the root. Just remember that some weeds can become invasive quickly so once you notice a problem you will want to address it right away. 

The longer you garden the more you will learn about the plants and which flowers do well in which conditions. Spend time visiting your local botanical gardens to note the native flowers and to learn more about all of the varieties available to grow in your own garden. You’ve done the hard part, now it’s time to enjoy the beauty of the blooms and admire the fact that you turned a blank canvas into a work of art.  

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5 Reasons You Should Contact A Home Insurance Claims Adjuster Before Claiming Your Insurance Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:27:45 +0000
Home Insurance Claims

There are three different types of insurance claims adjusters, and each has its own interest in mind. So it’s a good idea to figure out which type would suit you the best. The three types include staff, independent, and public.

The public adjuster is one that you personally hire that interacts with your insurance company. The benefit with public adjusters is that they are on your side and will work with you every step of the way to get you the claim payment that you deserve. The incentive for them to do so is that the more money you receive the more money they also receive. The caveat being they get a cut from the payment.

Staff and independent adjusters are similar in that they work directly with the insurance company. Staff adjusters are part of the company and can be considered your enemy in getting the maximum claim payment. Their interest aligns with the insurance company’s interests. 

The independent adjuster is a third-party that is hired by the insurance company. It can either be another insurance company or a hired public adjuster. The objective of the independent adjuster is to provide the most objective investigation aligning with neither side.

home insurance benefits

Minimize Time Before Recovery

You should contact a home insurance claims adjuster as soon as you can once the damage is done. Whether it be a public or staff adjuster. The sooner that there is an adjuster figuring out the damages and what that ultimately owes you, the sooner repairs or moving on can occur. But there is a difference between the adjusters and how long they might take.

If you’re contacting your insurance company directly then they will assign you one of their adjusters. Figuring out the damages can happen in person or on the phone, but if it is on the phone then it may be harder to get the money that you are entitled to. That is because nothing is being documented nor recorded aside from that phone call. And chances are they won’t be acting in your interest but of the insurance company’s.

The point is that it could be quick but you might not get as much as you are entitled to. But, if you contact a public adjuster, the process may take longer. This is because the more money you get from the insurance company, the more money they get from the whole process. So they may take longer looking at damages or just communicating with your insurance company to get as much money as possible.

Get It Done In-Home

When contacting an insurance claims adjuster, it’s best if you get it in your home if you seek as much as you are entitled to. Staff adjusters are not on your side, they seek to minimize the payout from your insurance company. Therefore, it’s best that when contacting an adjuster, to get the inspection done in your home to point out the damages specifically.

The caveat as said before is that it will take longer, but if potentially making more money through entitlement is worth it to you, then you shouldn’t worry about the time. If you hire a public adjuster then the caveat there is that they need to be paid so there is a chance that you can get more in reparations from a staff adjuster since they are provided by the company.


Your Interest

A staff adjuster nor an independent adjuster is working in your interest. They seek to either make it as objective as possible or to minimize compensation that you would otherwise be entitled to. But if you contact a public adjuster, they will be on your side. And either make it objective or attempt to lean it in your direction.

If you want to play it as safe as possible then going with a public adjuster is the way to go. Chances are they will be more thorough in their investigation as well as more willing to look in harder to reach areas without being pointed out. This would be all to document all damages and how severe the damage was.

Maximize Claim Payment

With the investigation being through, chances are you’d get as much out of you claim payment as you possibly could. So the best and possibly easiest way to maximize the claim payment is by contacting a public adjuster. In addition to that, you also wouldn’t have to watch your words as much or at all as compared to when speaking to an independent or staff adjuster.

The side-objective of the staff adjuster is to minimize that claim payment, while they don’t want to rip you off which would give the company a bad image. They certainly don’t want to pay you more than what they deem they should. Therefore, it’s best to watch your words of what you say and also of what you don’t say. Any fault that falls on you could reduce the payment.

The objective of the independent adjuster is to neither help you or the insurance company. Since they are a third-party they will be as objective as possible. In doing so, you will be paid what you should rather than being ripped off or even being compensated more than needed. 

No matter which adjuster you get, may it be staff, independent, or public, they should keep records and record their observations. Everything should be written out as a form of evidence that will eventually help you. It’s even a good idea for you to record conversations so that adjusters will keep their promises or statements made.

Licensed In Your State

When contacting an adjuster, it’s important that you hire or receive one that is licensed within your state. Doing so ensures that they are familiar with local costs. If they aren’t familiar with the local costs then it could mean that you get less than what you ultimately should. No matter which adjuster you get, this is important.


Contacting an Adjuster

There are three different types of adjusters. The public adjuster has your own interest in mind but needs to be paid. The staff adjuster has their insurance company’s interest. And the independent adjuster works directly with the insurance company but has no connection with it and is therefore objective.

Ultimately which one you decide on, between public or staff, is dependent on how long you want the process to last and how much of the maximum payment you’re fine with receiving. If you’re working with a staff adjuster you might not get the full amount but the process may be easier or faster. But with the public adjuster, they will be fully on your side and you would be able to trust them.

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How to Find The Best Flooring Options for Your Home Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:25:19 +0000 How to find the best flooring options for your home

If you are building a new house or you’ve been looking at your dated floors for too long, you’re going to start considering new flooring options. Walking into a flooring store lined with stacks of tile, hardwood, carpet or laminate can be overwhelming. It’s hard to know where to begin. 

Take a look around your house and get a sense of your style. Would hardwood look best or a nice plush carpet? Once you invest in new flooring, you aren’t going to want to pay to change your mind. You should begin to think about what color or pattern choices you like. 

You might even consider doing two different types of flooring. Perhaps, carpet in the bedroom but hardwood throughout the rest of your house. Either way, you should have an idea of what your best flooring options are before you even step foot in a store. 

The Five Most Popular Types of Flooring

You will want to make yourself aware of each type of flooring and whether you think it will work for your space. Flooring options have a wide range of pricing and style types. There is no need to feel overwhelmed if you inform yourself ahead of time. 

Hardwood Flooring

When many people want to upgrade their flooring, they immediately think of hardwood floors, but is it the right choice for you? Hardwood floors fall into two categories: solid hardwood and engineered hardwood. 

Solid Hardwood For Your Floor

  • Each individual piece of solid hardwood is made up of a single plank of solid wood. 
  • If you notice scratches and blemishes over the years, it can easily be sanded down and refinished. You can even change colors over time. 
  • The downside to solid hardwood is the tendency to warp in humid climates. It might not be the best flooring for your house on the beach.
  • Think about the investment you are making. Your solid hardwood floors can last up to 100 years. It might seem pricey now, but it will be worth it down the road. 

Engineered Hardwood For Your Floor

  • If you are eager for hardwood but not excited about the high price tag, engineered hardwood may be the way to go. It tends to be slightly cheaper than solid hardwood. 
  • Engineered hardwood is more versatile than solid wood and would do well in laundry and bathrooms. 
  • On the downside, the wood is thinner and can easily be damaged. It still has quite a life span, at around 20-40 years. 

Tile Flooring

finding the best floor options for your home
  • Tile is a low maintenance choice for your flooring needs. It’s easy to clean and helps prevent allergens from hanging around. 
  • While tile is easy to clean, it’s not the most comfortable to walk on and it is easier to slip on. If you have anyone who is older living in the home, you may want to avoid tile. 
  • Tile has a large range of pricing options so it’s likely you can find something in your budget. 
  • Tile comes in various sizes and shapes which means you can really customize the look you are trying to achieve. It can make a real personal statement. 


  • Carpet is often a safe bet when it comes to flooring. You always know what you are going to get with it. 
  • Carpet can tend to get more expensive if it has a high density of pile. The plusher it feels on your bare feet, the more money it will cost you. 
  • If you are carpeting a low-traffic area, don’t worry about spending a fortune on the carpet. You can usually get your basic needs for a great price. 
  • If you do go with a lighter color shade for your carpet, expect to be vacuuming often. A white or cream color will show more dirt and grime. 

Laminate Flooring

  • Laminate can give you the illusion of hardwood flooring without the hefty price tag. On average, it can be 50% less expensive than hardwood. 
  • It is very durable and it is a wise choice if you have a house full of kids and pets. 
  • Surprisingly, it may hold up better than your hardwood or carpet. The protective coating helps it stand up to the bumps and bruises it can get during the day. 
  • Unfortunately, with laminate, you can not sand it down and refinish it like you can with your hardwood flooring. 

Vinyl Flooring

  • Vinyl falls into a similar category to laminate. While durable, it cannot be refinished or repaired. 
  • It will be your cheapest flooring option which makes it ideal for spaces that get a lot of wear. Consider it for your bathroom or laundry room. 
  • Vinyl has great versatility. While it is firm, it isn’t as hard as tile and will provide comfort for bare feet. 
  • Vinyl flooring has some longevity to it. If taken care of properly, it can last 10-20 years. 
  • Consider these helpful tips if you are thinking of going in the direction of vinyl flooring. 

Important Factors to Consider When Choosing Flooring

finding flooring options

Now you know what your flooring options are, let’s take some other factors into consideration. It’s important to think of your lifestyle and who will be walking on your new floor. 

What Room is The New Flooring Going In?

Narrowing down your choice of flooring options can be easier based on what room you are working on. Not all flooring is created equal and can serve different purposes throughout your house. Remember, you can always go with more than one type of flooring in your home. 

For the main living rooms of your home, you really can’t go wrong with any of the flooring choices. Family rooms and sitting areas should be a warm and inviting space. You can put a nice cherry hardwood in or even a neutral carpet color. 

If you are finishing off your basement, you might want to avoid hardwood. While not impossible, hardwood usually isn’t designed to go below grade level in a home. Instead, consider choosing a durable option like ceramic tile downstairs because it is not affected by moisture. 

If you are re-flooring the bedrooms in your house, you may want to consider carpet. You are likely barefoot in your bedroom and the carpet will feel better on your feet. If you are set on avoiding carpet altogether, you can always put down hard flooring and put an area rug on it for some comfort. 

Any rooms that tend to get messy, like the kitchen or bathroom, do well with laminate or tile. It makes for easy cleaning if there are any spills or accidents. The tile is less porous and won’t retain the messes as much. 

What is Your Flooring Budget? 

While it would be nice to have no budget at all, reality tends to set in as you begin looking at price tags. Your budget is something you should consider before you begin selecting your flooring. You’re likely to find something in every flooring category that falls within your budget but you need to know how much you would like to spend. 

If you are going with two types of flooring, perhaps go higher end on one and a cheaper model on the other, especially for areas that don’t get a lot of foot action. If you are on a tight budget, consider putting in the flooring yourself. An option like clink and lock vinyl or laminate would be your easiest choices here. 

Pet Friendly Flooring Picks

choosing the best flooring options for you

If you have a furry little friend running around, you may not want carpet throughout if you don’t like scrubbing the occasional, or frequent, accident. Carpets also tend to show more dirt and stains than hardwood or tile. 

If you have dogs that run free in your home, you may not want them scratching up your brand new hardwood. Porcelain tile can be a good option in homes with pets because it can hold up to the test of your animals with its durability and resistance to staining. 

If you have the slightest bit of allergies, you may want to avoid carpet altogether. Pet dander and allergens love to creep into the tiny fibers of your carpet. It can prove difficult to fully clean it, no matter how many times your Roomba rides over it. 

Are Kids Running Around? Kid Friendly Flooring Options

If you have little ones running around and have been eyeing a bright white carpet, you may want to think again. Carpet has a pesky habit of collecting dirt and stains, some of which are difficult to get out. If your son plays on the football team, you aren’t going to walk him walking on your fresh carpet with his dirty cleats. 

If you’re set on carpet, you can try a darker gray color which can hide blemishes better than a lighter color. The color of your carpet can truly make all the difference in keeping it looking great long-term. 

Carpets are great if you have a crawler around, as it’s soft on their little knees. Carpets can also help reduce the noise in the house which comes in handy with sleeping babies. They absorb sound much better than any hard flooring. 

Color Choices For Your Flooring

You’ve decided what type of flooring you want but now you have to pick out the color. If you have a smaller space, going for a lighter, bright color will help it feel more open. Choosing a dark color will only make it feel tighter and closed in. 

If you think you’re going to resell your home in a few years, perhaps step back from anything too bold. While it might look fun today, it could prevent a future homebuyer from wanting to step foot on it. Grey is a great neutral color for carpets and tiles and can do well over time. 

Consider the color of your walls. You can always re-paint to better match your new flooring but do you really want to? If you aren’t interested in dragging out the paint cans, be sure to find flooring that will go with your already colored walls. 

DIY Flooring Options

If you are set on a more expensive flooring option but don’t want to pay the cost of labor, consider doing it yourself. Granted, there are some you should avoid doing yourself but you do have options. It will give you great pride knowing you did the work yourself. 

Peel and stick vinyl flooring is easy and quick to install and won’t put too much of a dent in your wallet. You don’t need a bunch of fancy equipment and the tiles are easy to measure and trim. They come in a variety of colors and patterns to choose from. 

If you think you can’t install carpet, think again. Consider installing carpet tiles, which typically are cheaper than your standard rolled carpet. They are simple enough to put in and easy to switch out if you get a stain on them. 

Any type of flooring, like hardwood or tile, where you need to cut it down will prove more difficult without a contractor and the right equipment. But if you are on a tight budget and want to take a shot at a DIY project, you definitely have a few flooring types to choose from. 

Check Out Flooring Outlets For Options

If you’re adamant about high-quality floors and a good deal, check out home flooring outlets. You might find a discontinued item that fits your house and budget perfectly. Don’t hesitate to negotiate either. If you are buying flooring for a large space, you might be able to get a good deal out of it. 

Let the Creativity Begin

picking the right flooring option for you

It’s no secret there are plenty of flooring options for you to choose from. If you can narrow down where in your house you will put it, it will help you decide what quality of the flooring you need. Remember, you don’t need the highest-end hardwood flooring in your laundry room. 

The process of picking out your flooring should be an enjoyable one. It’s a statement of who you are and what your home represents. So, sit back and enjoy gazing down at your new, beautiful floors and be proud of the flooring options you chose. 

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