Inexpensive Ways to Keep Your Home Warm in Winter

inexpensive ways to keep home warm in winter

If you are tired of high heating bills and feeling cold in your own home, you might need some help coming up with some inexpensive ways to keep your home warm in the winter. There are many small ways that you can make your home warmer even during the tough and cold months of the year. You can take advantage of these tips and tricks that will make sure that your home is warm no matter what the weather outside is like.

These are not huge changes like remodeling your home or replacing your roof or installing a fireplace. These are changes that anyone can make and you can pick and choose from this list to find the items that will work best for your needs to keep your home warm and comfortable in every season of the year. Being cold indoors is not an option and these tips will help you to stay comfortable and cozy in even the coldest weather.

If you are ready to learn more about how to keep your home warm in the winter, you need to read on!

Inexpensive Ways to Keep Your Home Warm in Winter

1. Programmable Thermostat

While many people view these devices as being a lot of trouble for not much in the way of results, you should not let this kind of device intimidate you. Programmable thermostats are very easy to use and you will get a lot of great cost-savings on your heating and cooling bills as well as a superior comfort sensing device that will keep your home comfortable and warm even during the toughest cold weather.

These devices are easy to install and they can be set up to run on any set program that you want to have maintained by the system without your intervention. You can set different programs as well, meaning that you can have one program that is used when you will be away from home for an extended period of time and another that will be used when you are home and are trying to enjoy the comfort of your living spaces.

You can pick which temperatures and what times you want the heat to switch on and off when you use one of these devices. This means that you can set the home to cooler when you are away at work and warmers as you are heading home. Being able to count on a warm and cozy house to greet you when you come back from work or an all-day adventure can be a really nice way to make sure that your home feels welcoming and snug.

2. Close the Flu to Keep Your Home Warm in the Winter

If you do not use your fireplace or you are not using it more than once in a while for fun, you should make sure that you have the flu closed. If there is no fire going in the fireplace, you can close the flu without any worries about safety. You will save a lot of money when you close the flu because cold air will not be blowing down into your house through the chimney.

A large fire can heat a huge space, but when you do not have a fire in the fireplace, you should not allow air to flow through the chimney and bring with it cold. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to save lots of money each month but many people with fireplaces are not even aware that they can close their flu like this to prevent cold air from blowing down the chimney!

If you do want to have fires every night, you can use this heat to make your home quite warm, but the cost of wood products can climb quite high in some areas. If you want to maximize the heat that your fire creates, you can get glass fireplace doors for your fireplace. This will make it possible to close the cold air that could come through the flu out and you will also get the benefit of increased heat from the fire that will not threaten materials and human limbs that are near it.

3. Use Ceiling Fans

Most people think of ceiling fans as a tool that keeps the air moving when it is hot out. This is often the time that you will notice their help the most, but when you are trying to heat your home effectively, ceiling fans can be used to bring heated air down from the ceiling area to circulate through the house. Some people say that the air is cooled by them circulating it, but that is not a common problem.

Fans can help move the air that you have paid to heat, which is trapped at the ceiling, down to the lower parts of the room so that it can move around and keep you and your family warm. You should always run your fans at the lowest settings so that the air is being moved, not disrupted speedily. Some fans also have a reverse function that can help to move the air rather than cool it.

Installing ceiling fans can be a very simple project in most cases, or you can even use regular fans to help move the air around the room when you are heating your house with central air or with a fireplace.

cheap ways to keep home warm in winter

4. Keep Furniture Away From Vents

If you have floor heat and you are blocking the vents, you will be wasting money heating your home. Air that is trapped in the corner of the room behind a tall chair or under a large couch, cannot move through your living spaces and heat them. You should make sure that your forced-air system is not being prevented from doing its job each day.

You do not have to move all the furniture that is placed in locations that might be blocking your floor heat, but you should make sure that not every single vent is blocked by something. Sometimes you cannot avoid blocking a few vents, but blocking all of them will lead to a house that feels cold and is not pleasantly cozy no matter how much you heat it.

5. Block Drafts to Save Money on Winter Heating Costs

If you can feel cold air coming in under the doors of your living room or into your bedroom, you can prevent this cold air from getting into the space by investing in door bolsters. These clever devices will block the drafts that are coming in under doorways and can trap heat into a unique space with ease. They are very simple to install and will take care of those pesky drafts in a snap.

If you have drafts of cold air coming in through old windows in your rooms, you should add a set of heavy drapes. You can pull these drapes shut at night, or even during particularly cold weather, to prevent the cold air from leaking in around them. You will be trapping warm air inside the room and keeping it from escaping as well.

Blocking drafts can make a big difference in your ability to heat your home efficiently and door bolsters are a very simple way to accomplish this goal.

6. Keep Doors Closed

While it might not seem like closing off parts of your home that are not being used will help with your heating bill, you will find that closing doors can help direct heat into specific areas. You will often find that heating your home is much easier if you close the doors to bedrooms or other spaces that you do not use frequently. 

You will keep the heat that you are generating in the areas that you are actually using and you will not waste money heating rooms that you are not going to be spending time in.

Closing doors can help in the summer as well when you are cooling your home. Any space that you are not using should be closed off from the central part of your home if you want to save some money on heating and cooling each year. You will not be using these spaces after all, and if you do decide to use them, you just need to open the door to warm or cool the room again.

low cost ways to keep home warm in winter

7. Use Window Seals for a Low-Cost Way to Keep Your Home Warm in the Winter

If you think that your old windows are the source of a lot of drafty cold air, you can actually make your windows less inefficient. You can buy plastic film window seals that come in easy-to-use kits and install them on your windows. These films will help create a draft-proof space behind each window.

If you think you can feel your windows rattling or you think that the drafts of air are coming in around the frames, you can caulk the frames or replace them. Windows can be the biggest source of cold airflow in the winter, especially in older homes. 

Making sure that your windows are not competing against your efforts to heat your home is not an expensive process and you will get great results for making the effort to fix this issue.

8. Change the Furnace Filter

Your furnace filter should be changed as often as recommended by the manufacturer, which is usually at least two times a year. If you live in an area that experiences lots of dust, smog, or has wildfires each year, you should change it more often. You will want to make sure that the filter that you choose is right for your furnace and that it is capturing irritants and contaminants from the air as well as protecting your furnace from these invading substances.

If you have noticed that you are replacing filters more often than you should be, your furnace might need to be serviced. Sometimes there are things going on with your furnace that can make it less effective at heating your home and having a pro come and look at it can help take care of this challenge to your efforts to heat your home as well.

There are washable and reusable furnace filters on the market if the cost of furnace filters is a challenge for your heating needs. You can use these for about five years if they are cared for correctly. They are very affordable and will save you a lot of money on buying filters annually.

inexpensive ways to keep house warm in the winter

9. Make Sure to Be Sparing With Hot Water

If you are thinking about ways to save money on your energy bill in the winter, it is easy to forget that it takes energy to heat your water as well as your home. It is tempting to forget the energy costs that are associated with heating water to a hot temperature. You can actually save a lot of money on the process of making your home warm and cozy in the winter by cutting back on how often you take long, hot showers.

Keeping your showers more efficient and making sure that you are not wasting hot water while getting ready to get into the shower can save a lot of money over the course of the year, not just in the winter. If you have an old hot water heating system, you will save even more money by making sure that you are sparing with your use of hot water.

For those who love baths, keep your hot baths to a minimum in the winter as well. It takes a lot of water to fill a bathtub and most people enjoy this treat at the maximum temperature that is offered by their hot water system. This is a big energy drain and leads to a much higher bill for energy use.

10. Make Sure to Prevent Rapid Cycling to Save Money on Winter Heating

Many people are not aware that there is a spike of power that is used to cycle your heating and cooling systems on and off. If your heat is cycling on and off frequently throughout the day, this can add a lot of cost to your energy bill each day. 

You can sometimes set your thermostat to prevent rapid cycling, or you can also change the way that you have programmed the day’s heating to prevent the heat from coming on repeatedly throughout the day.

You can also choose to set your ideal temperature a bit lower so that the heating system is not trying to keep the house at an unreasonable temperature all day by cycling on and off constantly. If you are living in an older home, this can be one of your best lines of defense against the wasted power that is needed to make the heat come on over and over throughout the day.

When you set the temperature lower in your home, use draft bolsters, drapes, and shut doors to trap the heat that you have created into the living space that you are using most. This can be the biggest help if the thermostat is located in one of these living spaces. 

When the thermostat thinks that the house is warm enough, it will not turn the heat on, so keeping the room that you are spending time in warmer by shutting it off from other rooms can help keep the thermostat happy with the temperature.

11. Add Blankets

If you are finding that you are comfortable when you are moving around your home in the winter, but cold when you sit down to watch a movie or read a book, you can fix this problem by adding some blankets to the back of the couch or chairs. These blankets can be used to cover you up and keep you warm while you are sitting down, making it easier to resist the urge to turn the heat up a degree or two.

You will find that sitting under blankets is really cozy anyway, and if you get large and fluffy ones, you will have the added benefit of soft comfort being added to the experience. Blankets can make any room much more comfortable to spend time in, so pick the kind of blankets that you know that you will enjoy cuddling under for your added warmth while you are at rest.

You can also make sure that you have winter bedding for the beds in your home. Flannel sheets and heavy top blankets can make the bed cozy, even in the colder hours of the night. You will not want to turn the heat up if you are cozy and snug under soft and warm bedding each night. Being able to sleep comfortably during the coldest months of the year is important and you can make this goal a reality with this easy change.

affordable ways to keep your house warm in the winter

12. Add Rugs 

If you have hardwood floors in your home, you can trap heat into the rooms and living spaces with ease if you add rugs to the locations in question. Rugs make the floor feel less cold to your feet and they help to keep the warm air in the room that you are trying to keep cozy. This can be a big help in bedrooms with wood floors because your bare feet will not have to touch the cold flooring if you get up in the middle of the night.

Area rugs are not expensive and you can add them anywhere that you want to have some protection from the cold in the winter. This means that your living room and bedrooms are a great place to add some area rugs for comfort and for trapping heat into the space. You will love that you can impact the overall warmth of a living space so easily with this one simple change and adding area rugs can also let you change the style and colors of a living space with ease!

13. Use Your Home’s Fireplace as a Low-Cost Heating Solution

If you have a fireplace in your bedroom or living room, using it can make a big impact on the warmth of your home. You can actually turn your furnace down quite a bit and just use the heat from your fireplace to heat your home. Wood heat is very efficient and offers really pleasant and effective warmth at any time of the year. In some areas, wood can be really expensive, so this might not be practical if the price of wood makes it inefficient.

You might also have a gas fireplace, and these can provide excellent heat as well. You will pay less to run this kind of fireplace than you probably think, and heating the living space that has one with the fireplace can help cut down on your heating bills a lot. Be wary of the portable and plug-in kind of fireplace, as they are a lot like electric heaters. You might get a lot of heat out of one of these little devices, but you will spend a lot of money heating a large space with this kind of little fake fireplace.

Keeping Your Home Warm in the Winter Can Be Easy and Economical

economical ways to keep your house warm in the winter

Keeping your home warm in the winter is a snap if you are using the right tips and tricks. You will find that there is nothing difficult about employing any of these hacks to keep your home warm and comfortable this winter season, and you will be so happy that you are saving money on your electric bill each day that you use them. There is nothing better than a warm and cozy home, and it is even better if you have achieved this goal without breaking the bank.

Keeping your home warm doesn’t have to be hard if you are prepared each year for the cold weather to come. Invest in some affordable drapes, make sure to get some door bolsters, and consider having an expert out to make sure that your furnace is in good repair. Taking care of the comfort of you and your family in the coldest part of the year does not have to break the bank if you use these tips and tricks to your advantage.

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